Monday, July 20, 2009

Really, It’s a Pet?

The love for my dog is stronger than I imagined. Sometimes, people have pets. Sometimes, people have dogs, cats and birds as friends and members of their family. When I was single, my dog came to be my perfect roommate. Each night, “Khan” (my dog) was there, waiting for me hours and hours. He listened, cried, smiled beside me.
I miss my dog every day. He gave the most genuine sentiments that I had ever felt. Completely, he offers me the most honest and unselfish affection. A man I dated only a few times told me that single people get dogs as a "replacement" for a healthy relationship with someone and that some people use children as a "replacement" for what they should have. Maybe this is true, maybe it’s false; or it could be that I dislike him.
Single people, especially, desire and need someone to love. When you need to express love and extend love, you can do so to an animal, a child, or a friend. Having my dog, I got lessons in life. Usually, we are not prepared to love, but practice, practice and more practice was an excellent exercise. Doing that with my dog was an adventure that helps to me in all my relationships.
“Khan” my German Shepard came to be an incentive for me while my fiancé appeared. I had learned to express my feelings; actually, I still working on that, but my best teacher was my pet.
I suggest not walking through a life without a dog. He or she will keep you company, possibly protect you, and make you more approachable to others for sure!


Anonymous said...

wonderful ..................................................

wirchis said...

Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...
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wirchis said...

Thank you everybody!